sarah parker 23rd June 2011

I turned 13 on monday 20th i also had a party on saturday the 18th it would have been soo much better withh youu here it felt like none of the family were enjoying themselves because theree was no spark or exitment there and you were the spark and now its gone,But i hope you watched over me and laughing at my mum when i had my party because it was too muchh hastle for her but i thank her very much but still this was the worst birthday ever even though i had a party/sleepover at your house last year and you were ill you weree still there to cheer me up and i cant believe you didnt see me become a teenager so that makes me cry alot when you were ill i would wish to myself for youu to get better but i was told you wouldnt but i did it anyway to cheer me up and that i wouldnt give up on youu,a couple off weeks beforee you passed i allways used to get you your favourite coconut mushrooms well i miss youu and givee me a sign that your here withh me love youu! :)xxxxx